Quality Shoelaces by Individuals with Special Needs and Veterans

We're thrilled to announce a 60-day presale of our vibrant shoelaces, starting June 15, 2023. All orders will be processed beginning on August 15, 2023.

We appreciate your patience as it may take a few weeks from this date for your unique laces to be crafted, packaged, and shipped out by our team. Thank you for your support and understanding as we work hard to bring color and inclusivity to your shoe game!

Hear From Our Team

Support Our Community with Every Shoelace Purchase.

Supporting Special Faces means empowering a vibrant community of individuals with special needs and veterans who pour creativity, dedication, and resilience into every shoelace they craft. Your patronage doesn't just secure you a unique, high-quality product; it also champions a cause that promotes inclusivity, dignity, and economic opportunity for our extraordinary staff.